
Dipity Literary Mag Issue #1 (Ink Dwellers Rerun Offiicial Edition): Poetry Moon Zoom - October, 2022
This is the official "Ink Dwellers Rerun Edition" of Dipity issue no. 1 meaning it was published originally in October and rebooted around December. The first issue consists of poetry, photography, drawings, and collage artwork. You'll see the work of many poets including Daniel Schulz, Kate Garrett, Tyler Auston Jones, Lynn Long, Carella Keil, Yewande Akinse. Some additional features of Instagram poets are inside of Millie. St. Waters, Clair de lune (Kandice), and a bunch of writers' poems from around the world are shared. You'll discover Vevna Forrow's music and book recommendations as well.

Dipity Literary Mag Issue #2 (Jurassic Ink Rerun Official Edition): Poetry & Photography - December, 2022
The second issue consists of roaring poetry, fun photography mashups, wild animal nature drawings, and a boatload of Jazz Marie Kaur's digital collage artwork. This issue, but not all of it primarily focuses on the following themes: dinosaurs, Greek mythology, outer space, tattoos, and flowers. You'll see the work of many poets including Gurupreet K. Khalsa, L. Ward Abel, Daniel Schulz, Pawel Markiewicz, Taylor Thomas, John Grey, Eartha Davis and many more! Some additional features of Instagram poets are inside of Cary Gary, Corinne Aufiero, Izabella Manukyan, Sam Zog, Miriam H. Monarres, Clair de lune (Kandice) and a bunch of writer's poems from around the world are shared. Not one but two spotlight bitesize interviews accompanied with poems are in this issue from Kelly Riddle and Chanique Marie Phillips. Meant for those 18+ as a few poems may be considered graphic in nature whereas others are tied to self-love and healing - so a mixture of focuses in the community bonus share sections overall. Lastly, you'll discover Vevna Forrow's music, spoken word artistry, and book release recommendations as well.

Dipity Literary Mag Issue #3 (Castle Terra Kingdom Official Gallop Edition): Poetry, Photography & Short Stories - March, 2023
The third issue consists of galloping poetry, breathtaking global photography mashups, scaling art, and a gate of castling ink. This issue, but not all of it primarily focuses on the following: human nature, mortality, digitization, healing, kingdoms, channeling inner dragons, and highlighting knight rider feels overall. You'll see the work of many poets including Eartha Davis, Megan Mary Moore, Daniel Schulz, Christian Ward, Sarah Henry, Lee Serna aka "Lovelee", Miriam H. Monarres, Meredith Brown, Louis Faber, and many more! Short stories from Josiah Nelson and Luke Beling are included. Renowned typewriter artist James Cook appears as well! Some additional community features of poets are inside such as Josh Windham, Jess Roses, Flor Ana, Gregory Patrick and a ton of writers' poems from around the world are shared. Not one but two spotlight bitesize interviews accompanied with poems are in this issue from Ryan Morrow and David Ellis. Lastly, you'll discover Vevna Forrow's music, spoken word artistry, and latest poetry collection book release radar recommendations as well. There's even a riddle this time around!

Dipity Literary Mag Issue #4 (ANTIQUE ROADSHIP) Poetry, Photography & Art - December, 2023
The fourth issue dubbed ANTIQUE ROADSHIP consists of antique poetry, back-in-time photography, polaroid power, collage art, and a winding road of time traveler ink. This issue, but not all of it primarily focuses on the following: passed-down objects, typewriter memory clips, heartbeat thoughts, and family trees. You'll see the work of many poets including Dylan Tran, Cami DuMay, Lauren Endicott, Steve Gerson, Emma Wells, and many more! Collage artist Caitlyn Grabenstein aka Cult Class appears as well! Some additional community features of poets are inside such as R. Susette, Cait Maree O'Shea, and Luke Levi. Two spotlight interviews accompanied with poems are in this issue from KP DeLaney and G Rew. Lastly, you'll drive through Vevna Forrow's music, spoken word artistry, and latest poetry collection book release radar recommendations as well. There's even a brand new mind-bending riddle per tradition.