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Guinevere Gets a Goodnight Text From Lancelot By Megan Mary Moore

Betrayal is too big a word

for me to hold;

it spills through my fingers

stains my dress, my bed.

So I sip it, slow like tea,

still wake messy-faced—

a kitten in warm milk.

I want you to

ride until your horse collapses

then run to me. Win when I say and

look at me while you lose.

There is no clamor of armor

tonight, just a slip of silk sheets,

my husband in bed,

and a metal echo from my phone:

Goodnight, I love you.

And I’m going to take what I can,

lick the bottom of the bowl. How much?

Circle my fingers under my dress

one more time

before you’re gone

So much, I love you so much


Megan Mary Moore is the author of Dwellers (Unsolicited Press, 2019) and the forthcoming To Daughter a Devil (Unsolicited Press, 2023), and the forthcoming chapbook And Aphrodite Laughed (Milk & Cake Press, 2023). Her poetry has appeared in Rattle and is forthcoming in Grist. She lives in Cincinnati where she serves as editor for Moon Cola Zine, dresses like a fairy princess, and watches too many horror films. You can find her on Twitter and IG @MeganMaryMoore



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