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A Noisy Silence By Lee Serna

I was hurt

And you were there

Standing in a noisy silence

With the pain I gave you to bear

You tensed in anger of love

Faded faintly your hands

Across your face smearing tears

Into the tips of your fingers

Enveloped into the cloud of retreat

You stood over my enemies

Blinded by the rage

Of speechless defeat

Surrounded in darkness

Beneath the fire of hidden flames

Your mind now wilted

Without regard for my roaring pain

Saying nothing

Only the dousing horror

From the beams of your stare

I knew what not to dare

I know of your strength

And what you pushed through

Nothing would condense you

So long as I needed you

I spoke and you conjured to me

Hugging my head into your chest

Pleading in silence ever so violently

To obviate the pain in all its entirety

Circling through dubiety

As I watched you so tiredly

Planning to forge a weapon

That would exile anxiety

You said nothing

You just felt it

You took it

Without question, you saved me

To bear all my fears

Through internal agony

Overcoming my tears

In the darkness of tragedy


Writing out of Hearne, Texas, Lee Serna has been writing for nearly 20 years. He began writing poetry when he was about 10. Around 15 he began writing more prose about trivial things. Over time he grew into more and more experiences with family issues and external frustration, he used that frustration of not being heard as a power that could tell his side of the story. He validated himself through writing, and now it is his true passion to reach people who suffer from the same things he did.. You can follow on Twitter or Instagram @thelettersoflee.


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